
What Skills Needed To Draw Graphic Novel

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Creating a graphic novel can be a fun challenge, as you get to write an original story and bring information technology to life with illustrations. A good graphic novel volition movement readers emotionally and visually, combining a corking plot with striking images. This genre allows you to show the characters and the setting in your story to readers in graphic particular. With a little brainstorming, drafting, and polishing, y'all tin can create a graphic novel worth sharing in no fourth dimension.

Things You lot Should Know

  • Brainstorm a plot outline, cast of characters, and setting for your graphic novel, then selection an fine art style and get-go storyboarding.
  • Create a typhoon of the novel, introducing the setting, characters, their primal disharmonize, and a resolution—and make sure the grapheme art is consistent.
  • Go feedback from other people and read your graphic novel aloud to smooth it, revising as needed until you have a final draft you can ink and colour.
  1. 1

    Create a plot outline. A skillful graphic novel starts with a strong story that has a cardinal plot. Outline the general events of the novel using a plot diagram with five parts:[i]

    • Exposition: This is the gear up up for the graphic novel, including the setting, the main grapheme, and the conflict. For example, you may have exposition like: a immature alien living in a modest town falls in love with a human girl.
    • The inciting incident: This is the issue that changes the course of the main character'south life. For example, you may have an inciting incident similar: the man daughter breaks up with her homo swain and is looking for a date to the school dance.
    • The rising activity: This is where you develop the characters and explore their relationships. For instance, you may take rising action like: the alien starts spending time with the girl after schoolhouse to study for a large examination.
    • The climax: This is the high point of the story, where the master graphic symbol has to make a major choice or conclusion. For example, yous may have a climax similar: the alien decides to ask the girl to the trip the light fantastic toe during one of their report dates. She says aye and the alien now has to figure out what to practice at a trip the light fantastic toe, on a appointment.
    • The falling action: This is the bespeak where the primary character deals with the results of their decision and is commonly packed with action and suspense. For case, you lot may have falling action like: the conflicting and the girl become to the trip the light fantastic but anybody else there is hostile towards them. The conflicting so has to bargain with an angry mob of people chasing him and the daughter around at the dance.
    • The resolution: This is the point where in that location reader learns where the main graphic symbol ends up and whether they succeed or fail in their goal or want. For example, you may have a resolution like: the daughter stands up for the alien and they fly off together on a UFO.
  2. 2

    Focus on an interesting main character or cast of characters. Create a chief character that is memorable and unique. Requite your primary character specific personality traits and a unique perspective on the world. Avert cliche characters or characters that a reader may already exist familiar with.[2]

    • For example, y'all may create a primary character who is built-in with a underground superpower and struggles to keep it from others around them. Or perchance your main character is an alien who is trying to win the eye of a human.
    • You can also focus on a cast of characters to give the graphic novel more scope, such as a family unit or a grouping of friends.


  3. 3

    Explore a setting. Choice a setting that will requite the novel depth and make information technology interesting on a visual level. Go for a setting that is a piffling surreal and then you can include landscapes that are fun for the reader to look at. Y'all tin also take a setting you know well and make information technology a little foreign or skewed.[3]

    • For case, y'all may ready the graphic novel on a planet that resembles Earth, simply is populated by aliens instead of humans. Or you may add together surreal elements to your hometown and make that the setting.
  4. 4

    Pick a particular drawing style. Make your graphic novel distinct by going for a drawing style that you like and can do well. Maybe you utilise manga or U.Due south. comics every bit cartoon inspiration. Or perhaps y'all challenge yourself to attempt a new drawing way. Go for a drawing style that feels unique, but also truthful to your skills and vision equally an creative person.[iv]

    • Yous should also select a cartoon manner that is easy for you lot to do and not too time consuming. In one case you lot draft the novel, you lot can ever become back and tweak the drawing style.
  5. five

    Storyboard the novel. Create pocket-size squares on bare paper. Then, take a scene in the novel and draw it out, panel past console. Include text at the bottom of the squares. Think about how yous are going to represent the setting and the characters in the scene. You tin and so try storyboarding several scenes to get a ameliorate sense of how the novel will look on the folio.

    • You can brand the panels all the same size or experiment with panels that are dissimilar sizes.
  6. 6

    Read examples of graphic novels. To go a better sense of the genre, read graphic novels that have been published to keen acclaim. You may read graphic novels that use different drawing styles then you can meet what y'all similar and reply to. You may read:

    • Fun Domicile by Alison Bechdel.[five]
    • The Best We Could Practice by Thi Bui.[half-dozen]
    • This Ane Summer by Jillian Tamaki.[7]
    • Watchmen past Alan Moore.
    • Summer Babe by Adrian Tomine.


  1. one

    Innovate the characters and setting to the reader. The first few pages of your graphic novel should tell the reader who and what the novel is going to be near. Open with a scene that shows your master grapheme in action in the setting. Or begin with dialogue and images that tell the reader a bit about the conflict between main character and another character.

    • For example, you may open up with a scene where the chief character gets set up for schoolhouse. You could and so show the alien habits of the main graphic symbol and introduce the school equally the primary setting for the novel.
  2. ii

    Include disharmonize between characters. A skillful story hinges on disharmonize and tension between your characters. Exercise not exist agape to put your primary grapheme in a catchy or difficult situation. Give your main character a goal and and so put obstacles in their way so information technology is difficult for them to accomplish their goal. Y'all can also accept conflict between your main character and others around them.

    • For instance, you may create a disharmonize between the main character and their boss. Yous can then show the main character butting heads with their boss, or even beating up their boss with their superpowers.
  3. 3

    Keep the characters' features consistent throughout the novel. Equally you lot start to describe the graphic novel, focus on several primal character features and try to create them the same way each time. Maintain consistent features for your characters from panel to panel and so the novel feels cohesive.[8]

    • Use pencil to draw the initial panels for the novel and so yous tin can adjust them, if needed, to keep them consistent.
    • For example, y'all may give your principal grapheme a distinct hairstyle. You will then need to ensure you draw their hairstyle the same way, or equally like as yous can, whenever the character appears in the novel.
  4. 4

    Make the setting detailed and eye catching. Pull your reader into the story by including interesting details in the setting. Give your setting just as much attention equally your characters. Include objects that are particular to the setting you have created. This will help to build the world of the story and keep your reader engaged.[9]

    • For example, if your novel is set in a high school for aliens, you may include details like parking spaces for UFOs, textbooks on "How to Pretend to be Human," and clocks set to different time zones beyond the universe.
  5. v

    Include dialogue that develops character and furthers the story. The dialogue in your graphic novel should tell the reader more about the character speaking. It should also push the story forward on a plot level. Avoid generic dialogue similar "Hi," or "How are you lot?" Instead, include dialogue that is particular to your characters.[ten]

    • For example, y'all may requite your main character a catchphrase that they tend to say when they are startled or surprised, such as "Yikes!" or "Holy Conflicting!"
    • Some graphic novels have little to no dialogue. As the creator, yous can decide if you'd like to include dialogue for your characters or if you lot'd prefer to let the visuals do the talking.
  6. six

    End with a resolution or realization. Like any adept story, your graphic novel should end by resolving or addressing the conflict. Your main character may finally get what they want, but for a price. Or your main grapheme may realize something nigh some other graphic symbol and feel a sense of resolution that mode. Try to bring the story full circle for the reader so they are satisfied with the catastrophe.

    • Y'all may include images that provide a resolution of the disharmonize. Or you may include a chat between the main character and another character to help them both realize their mistakes or resolve their misunderstanding.
  7. vii

    Use a cliffhanger ending if your graphic novel is role of a series. If you are writing the graphic novel as part of a series of novels with the same characters or setting, leave the reader in suspense. You may stop with "To be continued…" or an epitome that lets the reader know there is more to come from the characters and the world you have built in the novel.


  1. 1

    Show the graphic novel to others. Ask friends, family members, and peers to read your draft. Get them to give you feedback on whether they found the novel interesting and unique. Inquire them if they constitute the visuals engaging and entertaining. Be open to effective criticism from others, as this will only brand your graphic novel stronger.

  2. 2

    Read the graphic novel aloud. Listen to how the dialogue sounds when read aloud to make sure it sounds natural, rather than stilted or awkward. Observe if your characters have a distinct way of speaking. Check the dialogue helps to move the action of the story frontwards.

    • Reading the novel aloud tin also help you check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  3. 3

    Check the menstruation and plot development. Make sure the novel flows well from scene to scene or section to section. Underline or mark any sections that are awkward or practice not not flow well.

    • You should also check that the plot develops clearly in the novel. It should follow your plot outline, with a clear central conflict and a climax.
  4. 4

    Revise the novel. Take the feedback yous received from others, every bit well equally your ain thoughts, and do a deep revision of the novel. Be relentless and cutting out whatever content that does not make sense or further the story. Try to make the novel ameliorate and more than engaging for your reader.

  5. 5

    Add ink and colour to the novel. You may do this manually with ink and colored pens. Coloring can as well be done past hand with pigment or art markers. Make sure you erase any pencil marks in one case you have inked and colored the novel.[eleven]

    • Y'all can also use a computer program similar Adobe Photoshop to assist speed upward the inking and coloring process.


Graphic Novel Examples

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  • Question

    I accept a written novel, just I want to turn it into a graphic novel in social club to help the readers visualize the story. What should I do if I'thousand not good at drawing?

    Community Answer

    I would recommend either taking courses to ameliorate your ain artwork or hiring an artist who can bring your story to life for you lot (with your help and guidance). There are a lot of people out there who are really good at cartoon, and chances are, yous might know one of them. Talk to them, explicate your ideas, and show them your novel.

  • Question

    Is there a website or something like to use for inking, lettering, or coloring?

    Community Answer has a "making a graphic novel" section and this has 10 steps that are well written.

  • Question

    What paper should I employ for drawing and inking?

    Community Answer

    Copic marker paper is drain-resistant and has a very good texture. You tin can purchase it online.

  • Question

    How do I impress and so that the paper looks like a smooth graphic novel page?

    Community Answer

    Impress on glossy newspaper, using a photograph quality printer. Most photo printers will accept an pick to print on gloss, which will come out smooth. Or, take information technology to a print shop and specify what you lot want.

  • Question

    Do I blazon out the words or write them?

    Community Answer

    It really doesn't matter. Go with what y'all prefer.

  • Question

    What can I practice if I am bad at drawing?

    Community Answer

    Y'all can do until you lot go improve, or you can inquire a friend that is good at cartoon to help you lot out.

  • Question

    How do I put my drawings in a computer and print them out?

    Community Answer

    A elementary way is to scan your drawings with a printer that supports that function. Your drawings will be saved onto the calculator and tin can be accessed in the file explorer. From there, editing and retouching tin can be washed with the drawings and then finally printed. Consider purchasing a graphic tablet, then that you lot're able to draw direct onto the calculator with the use of an art program. This makes editing and printing easier and can perchance make the quality of the drawings greater.

  • Question

    Do you have whatsoever ideas a graphic novel can be based off of?

    Emily B.

    Emily B.

    Customs Respond

    Graphic novels can be based off pretty much anything: a time in your life, a historical era, another book or picture show (but pay attention to copyright issues)...

  • Question

    How do I color in the pages? Exercise I practise it by manus or on the computer?

    Community Answer

    It depends. You could create your illustrations and colour them on the computer. You can also impress it out and colour. Or y'all tin do everything on paper, including panel formatting and coloring.

  • Question

    I'm having trouble writing my story. How tin I tie the villain into the plot?

    Community Answer

    There are many means, but if you desire to keep it simple, but brand the villain the source of some trouble or conflict that the hero has to deal with or solve.

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Article Summary 10

To create a graphic novel, first past writing a basic plot line and creating memorable characters. Next, draw illustrations in pencil and then y'all can adjust them equally you make edits. And so, write the characters' dialogue into the images and make sure that the words tell the reader something interesting about the person speaking. When yous've completed the draft, get feedback and edit your graphic novel to make it more enjoyable for the reader. Finally, add ink and color to your illustrations manually or using a figurer program like Photoshop. For tips on writing the perfect ending to your graphic novel, read on!

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